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CoReg API Overview

Last Updated: 10/24/2022

Welcome to the CoReg API documentation. This API verifies if an email address is valid by checking email format, as well as checking if the email address already exists in our system and/or exists on email address lists submitted by CoRegs.

You can run the requests included in this documentation using Postman, a third-party tool. Download Postman prior to clicking the button below.

Run in Postman

Base URL

The base URL for the CoReg API is


The CoReg API is RESTful.


Responses are returned in JSON format.


The following is a sample request using ApiKey authentication.

curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey {uniqueApiKey}'

All requests must be authenticated using an API Key handed in cURL requests as a header.

How to Obtain an API Key

An API Key will be provided to use the API. If one has not been provided, contact your Account Manager.


The CoReg API uses standard HTTP status codes.

HTTP Status Message Description
401 Unauthorized The request must include valid authentication. Refer to the Authentication section for more information.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request cannot be processed.


The CoReg API verifies if an email address is valid. PreCheck requests check if the email address is valid, exists in our system, and exists in the list of email addresses submitted by CoRegs.

To validate the email against Email Oversight in addition to all of the criteria listed above, use one of the Email request instead.

PreCheck Object

The following is a 200 response example.

    "status": "success",
    "reason": null

This request returns a status and reason.


Possible statuses returned are failed and success.


Possible reasons returned are system offline, null, and duplicate. The value duplicate is returned if the user is already registered to Survey Junkie or is already coregistered. The value null is returned for reason when the status is success.

Get PreCheck

The following GET request will check the validity of an email address.

curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization:ApiKey {uniqueApiKey}'

This request checks the validity of an email address using a GET request.

Method URL
GET /v1/coreg/precheck

URL Parameters

Attribute Type Description
device_platform string The device that a user initially signed up on. Refer to the table below for more information.
email required string The email address to be checked.
first_name string The first name of the individual who owns the email address.
last_name string The last name of the individual who owns the email address.
ip string The IP address associated with the email address. This IP address must be in ipv4 format. ipv6 format is not accepted.
sub_affiliate string The name of the secondary affiliate.


This optional field abides by WURFL standard. Note that requests with the device_platform value Robot will be rejected.

Feature Phone
Other Mobile


The CoReg API verifies if an email address is valid. PreCheck requests check if the email address is valid, exists in our system, and exists email address lists submitted by CoRegs.

The following also checks the email address against Email Oversight.

Email Object

The following is a 200 response example.

    "status": "success",
    "reason": null

Requests to the Email endpoint return a response that includes status and reason.


Possible statuses returned are failed and success.


Possible reasons returned are system offline, null, and duplicate. The value duplicate is returned if the user is already registered to Survey Junkie or already is coregistered. The value null is returned when the status is success.

Get Email

The following GET request will check the validity of an email address.

curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization:ApiKey {uniqueApiKey}'

This request checks the validity of an email address using a GET request.

Method URL
GET /v1/coreg/email

URL Parameters

Attribute Type Description
device_platform string The device that a user initially signed up on. Refer to the table below for more information.
email required string The email address to be checked.
first_name string The first name of the individual who owns the email address.
last_name string The last name of the individual who owns the email address.
ip required string The IP address associated with the email address. This IP address must be in ipv4 format. ipv6 format is not accepted.
sub_affiliate string The name of the secondary affiliate.


This optional field abides by WURFL standard. Note that requests with the device_platform value Robot will be rejected.

Feature Phone
Other Mobile