OOP Principles, SOLID Design, and Traits in our Monolith Application

Arminder Khinda May 28th, 2021 · 6 min read Web Development

Software Engineer Arminder Khinda tells us about OOP Principles, SOLID Design, and Traits in the context of our monolith application. As a newer team member, he also shares how these concepts helped him get familiar with the codebase.

Content Responsibilities and Structure for Technical Requirements Documents

Luis Padilla May 4th, 2021 · 9 min read Web Development

At DISQO, the Technical Requirements Document (TRD) forms our path for project development and maintenance. The TRD is a definitive source of truth that bridges the gap between what the business requires and what the engineers will build.

Collaborative Engineering at DISQO

Nej Kutcharian February 2nd, 2021 · 8 min read Web Development

DISQO's engineering team engages in the principles of collaborative engineering to build knowledge-sharing, creative solutions, improved internal communication, a sense of product ownership, and trust.

Building Cross-Browser Extensions from a Single Code Base

Nej Kutcharian January 23rd, 2020 · 5 min read Web Development

In this article we will cover the difficulties of building a cross-browser extension and provide a solution to overcome those challenges.